Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow, Ice Storm to Lash Northeast by Sunday Night

By , Senior Meteorologist
February 26,2015; 11:01PM,EST
As a large storm rolls out of the Plains and Midwest, a swath of snow, ice and travel disruptions will extend into the Northeast starting on Sunday.
The wintry precipitation will focus along a boundary between mild air to the south and cold air to the north.
A fairly long-duration winter storm will affect the Interstate-80/I-90 corridor of the Midwest during Saturday night and Sunday.
The worst of the storm will hit the Northeast from Sunday night into Monday.

The Monday morning commute could be a real mess as millions of people head back to work or school following the weekend. People should expect another round of slippery roads and airline delays with possible cancellations and disruptions to daily activities.
The greatest amount of snow and wintry mix will focus from the I-80 corridor northward in the mid-Atlantic and across much of New England.
Enough snow to shovel and plow is possible in the swath from Cleveland and Buffalo, New York, to Scranton, Pennsylvania; Albany, New York; Hartford, Connecticut; Worcester, Massachusetts; Rutland, Vermont; Concord, New Hampshire; Portland, Maine; and Boston.

A few pockets of ice or a wintry mix will occur south of the snow area from part of northern Virginia, northern Maryland and northern West Virginia to southern Pennsylvania, northern Delaware, New Jersey, Long Island and the southern coast of New England. Otherwise, in this swath, much of the storm is likely to bring rain.
Cities in the swath that could receive a few hours of ice or a wintry mix Sunday night into Monday include Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York City and Providence, Rhode Island.
A second storm is forecast to swing up from the Southwest next week. Early indications are this second storm will track farther to the north and could be a significantly warmer precipitation event.
Due to the extensive snow on the ground and ice on area rivers, the situation next week will have to be watched closely for the potential for flooding from part of the Great Lakes to the upper mid-Atlantic and southern New England, should temperatures surge with a significant amount of rain. will continue to provide updates on the upcoming far-reaching storms through this weekend, and the second storm for the East during the middle of next week.

  • Rudy Mummey · Works at Retired
    I don't know how much more of this global warming I can take.
    • Grant McGuire · Top Commenter · Western Connecticut State University
      I can't take any more.
    • Justin Witham · Top Commenter · Ball State University
      Oh, you're one of those people who thinks global warming means no snow and cold ever again...the "warming" in that term refers to the AVERAGE temperature of the entire Earth. It doesn't mean it will be 70 degrees in winter every day and that snow and cold no longer exist.
    • Max's Granna
      Justin Witham - well that's just sad.
    • John MacDonald · Hyannis, Massachusetts
      Justin Witham - It's called sarcasm Justin, a wry humor.
    • John Flanagan · Top Commenter · Gannon University
      You are proficient in the idenfitication of sarcasm. Try not to take yourself so seriously, ok Justin?
    • Jeff Ross · Lancaster, Pennsylvania
      Justin Witham man made global warming is fake. There have been several studies from NASA showing the other planets in our solar system are having the same temperature changes as the earth. the notion that me driving an SUV is causing global warming is laughable.
    • Meteorological Weather Lab
      Global warming? LOL
    • Meteorological Weather Lab
      Justin Witham Preach Justin lol :)
    • Glenn Kuipers · Top Commenter · Holt, Michigan
      Justin Global Warming started the day the ice age ended.
    • Daniel Landry · Top Commenter · George Brown College
      Justin Witham,
      Oh you are one of those people that have been brain washed. The earth is warming now and has been since the last ice age. That is it, end of discussion! Please, no one knows what is to come, and the so called climate scientist who rely on models to make his/her claims is ridiculous. We all know how well any computer model performs be it five days or five years from now, the data input is flawed do to the fact that there to many gaps in reporting stations around the globe, particularly the Pacific Ocean which I am sure you know covers a great deal of our planet.
    • Steve Wolf · Top Commenter · Alpha Dog at Dog Training
      @Rudy Mummey--"I don't know how much more of this global warming I can take" Yeah.....actually is is called GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE. And I really do hope that you really ARE getting tired of it. I know I am. All of these extreme weather patterns ARE in fact caused by the overall warming of our planet due to higher concentrations of carbon in the atmosphere. Numbers and facts do not lie and the FACT that Earth warming is not even debatable since all you need to do is look at the that 2014 was the warmest year on record (even if you Faux News people believe otherwise because you are TOLD to).

      Now you CAN debate what exactly has caused the unprecedented increase in the carbon in the atmosphere, but 97% of those who study such things say it is due to the increasing burning of fossil fuels since the dawn of the industrial revolution.
    • Ice Fishing 24/7
      Justin Witham You mean the AVERAGE temps after the data has been adjusted to fit the warmist's desired outcome? Just because you can play with the numbers doesn't mean man made GW exists.
    • William Smith · Top Commenter · Inventory at Rem Bar
      Steve Wolf keep preaching them Al Gore talking points. Let me ask you, do you drive an electric car? How do you heat your home in winter and cool it in summer? Unless you drive an electric-car and heat your home with solar panels and live the way you want everyone else to live, don't go throwing stones in glass houses now.
  • Christian Gundermann
    Lovely. It's the spring coming: snow turning to freezing rain then ice pellets, then rain, then freezing rain, and then it all turns into mud. Gone are the lovely days of winter with snow and solid ground. I guess we are getting the warm up that people have been begging for....
  • Meteorological Weather Lab
    I heard from a source that Local Mets in New England said it was only going to be "Snow Flurries"... As we had stated ourselves from the beginning "Accumulating Snow was possible in New England" and Accu-weather you have just confirmed that statement!
  • Dave Da Crazylegs · Top Commenter
    Ok 1-3inches of snow, so how much ice should we expect?
  • Kathy Mechan · Top Commenter
    OMG. NO.


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